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Sichere Online-Zahlung Mehr erfahren
Es liegt in der Verantwortung des Gastes, alle Überweisungsgebühren und Kosten zu berücksichtigen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Hotel den vollen Buchungsbetrag erhält. Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen in Ihrer E-Mail-Bestätigung, um die Überweisung abzuschließen.
Nachfolgend finden Sie die Zahlungsdetails basierend auf dem von Ihnen gewählten Tarif.

Nicht erstattungsfähiger Tarif:
Der gesamte Betrag muss sofort überwiesen werden und innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach der Reservierung auf unserem Konto eingehen.

Eine Anzahlung von 30% muss innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach der Reservierung auf unserem Konto eingehen. Der Restbetrag muss spätestens 2 Tage vor der Ankunft vollständig bezahlt werden.

IBAN: NL63 RABO 0387 5025 72
Kontoinhaber: Visserslust Exploitatie B.V.
Verwendungszweck: Bitte geben Sie Ihre Reservierungsnummer bei der Zahlung an.

Sobald wir die Zahlung erhalten haben, erhalten Sie eine endgültige Bestätigung Ihrer Reservierung.
Falls Sie Fragen zur Zahlung haben, können Sie uns gerne per E-Mail kontaktieren: info@vvpverhuur.nl.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald bei uns willkommen zu heißen, und wünschen Ihnen vorab einen angenehmen Aufenthalt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Ihr Team von Visserslust 
VVP Verhuur 
Informationen zur Anlage

VVP Verhuur – Ihr Zuhause am Wasser

Bei VVP Verhuur bieten wir Ihnen ein einzigartiges Erlebnis an den Vinkeveense Plassen, wo Komfort auf Natur trifft. Unsere Unterkünfte bestehen aus einer Vielzahl von vollständig ausgestatteten Objekten, darunter Studios, Hausboote und geräumige Apartments, die perfekt für kurze und lange Aufenthalte sind.

Mit den schönen Gewässern als Ihren Hinterhof sind wir ideal gelegen für Angler, Naturliebhaber und alle, die einen entspannenden Kurzurlaub suchen. Unsere Unterkünfte sind sorgfältig gestaltet, um eine gemütliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen, mit modernen Annehmlichkeiten und Ausblicken auf die malerische Umgebung.

Bei VVP Verhuur glauben wir an persönlichen Service und Gastfreundschaft. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, egal ob Sie für ein Wochenende, eine Geschäftsreise oder einfach zum Entspannen hier sind. Genießen Sie Annehmlichkeiten wie Küchen in den Unterkünften, kostenloses WLAN und den Zugang zu unserem eigenen Hafen.

Entdecken Sie die Schönheit der Vinkeveense Plassen und lassen Sie VVP Verhuur Ihr Zuhause während Ihres Aufenthalts am Wasser sein. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie willkommen zu heißen!

Anlagenname: Visserslust VVP Verhuur

Str./Hausnr.: Baambrugse Zuwe 196

Stadt : Vinkeveen - Utrecht

PLZ : 3645 AM

Kontaktperson: Kim Van de Wouden

Telefon: +31294293473

E-Mail-Adresse: info@vvpverhuur.nl

  • Gepäckaufbewahrung
  • Zimmerservice
  • Bar
  • Fahrradverleih
  • Frühstück auf dem Zimmer
  • Frühstück, kontinental
  • Café
  • Kontaktloses Einchecken/Auschecken
  • Radfahren
  • Täglicher Hausdienst
  • Express-Check-in/-Check-out
  • Einrichtungen für Gäste mit Behinderung
  • Feuerlöscher
  • Erste-Hilfe-Kästen
  • Angeln
  • Parken für Gäste
  • Heizung
  • Hygienezertifizierung
  • Internet
  • Rechnungen
  • Bettwäsche, Handtücher und Wäsche werden gemäß den Richtlinien der örtlichen Behörden gewaschen
  • Live-Sportveranstaltungen (Übertragung)
  • Lokale Sicherheitsprotokolle werden befolgt
  • Nichtraucherzimmer
  • Privater Check-in/Check-out
  • Anlage wird von professionellen Reinigungsfirmen gereinigt
  • Anlage ist für Rollstuhlfahrer zugänglich
  • Erhöhte Toilette
  • Sicherheitsalarm
  • Self-Service-Wäscherei
  • Rauchwarnmelder
  • Taxidienst
  • Temperaturkontrolle für Gäste und Mitarbeiter
  • Terrasse
  • Thermometer für Gäste
  • Toilette mit Haltegriffen
  • Handtuchwechsel auf Anfrage
  • Verkaufsautomat (Getränke)
  • Verkaufsautomat (Snacks)
  • Wassersport (motorisiert)
  • Wassersport (nicht motorisiert)
  • Wassersportgeräte-Verleih


Diese Anlage hat folgende Bestimmungen und Check-in- bzw. Check-out-Zeiten.

Anreise: 15:00

Abreise: 11:00

Zeit für späten Check-out: 13:00

Gebühren für späten Check-out: €20,00

Durch einen späten Check-out (nach 11:00 und vor 13:00) kann eine Gebühr entstehen.

Buchungsrichtlinien :
Visserslust / VVP Verhuur - Stornierungsbedingungen

3.A STANDARD RATE - Stornierung, Änderung und No-ShowStornierung
3.1.A Nach dem Check-in bei VVP Verhuur können Sie Ihre Reservierung nicht mehr ändern oder stornieren. Stornierungsgebühren werden Ihrer Kreditkarte für die Reservierung belastet.
3.2.A Die Stornierung oder Änderung der Reservierung muss spätestens 5 Tage vor dem ursprünglichen Check-in-Datum erfolgen. Nach diesem Zeitpunkt kann die Reservierung nicht mehr storniert werden.
(a) Eine flexible Gebühr gilt, wenn Sie Ihre Reservierung nach Bestätigung als Strafe ändern oder stornieren.
(b) Stornierungen oder Änderungen müssen spätestens 5 Tage vor dem ursprünglichen Check-in-Datum erfolgen. Danach kann die Reservierung nicht mehr geändert werden.
(c) Nach dem Check-in kann die Reservierung nicht mehr storniert werden. Wenn Sie früher auschecken möchten, müssen Sie VVP Verhuur 24 Stunden vor dem letzten Aufenthaltstag benachrichtigen. In diesem Fall erstatten wir den verbleibenden Betrag auf Ihr Bankkonto.

Stornierung - private Parkplätze
3.3. Nach dem Check-in können Sie die Parkreservierung nicht mehr ändern oder stornieren. Stornierungsgebühren werden Ihrer Kreditkarte für den Parkplatz belastet.
3.4. Die Stornierung oder Änderung des reservierten Parkplatzes muss spätestens 1 Tag (24 Stunden) vor dem ursprünglichen Check-in-Datum erfolgen.
3.5. Nach dem Check-in können Sie die Parkreservierung nicht mehr ändern. Wenn Sie früher auschecken möchten, informieren Sie uns bitte bis 12:00 Uhr am Tag vor dem neuen Check-out-Datum. Etwaige Stornierungsgebühren für Parktage werden gegebenenfalls erstattet.

Stornierung - Boot- und Liegeplatzreservierung
3.6. Die Stornierung oder Änderung einer reservierten Boot- oder Liegeplatz-Reservierung muss spätestens 1 Tag (24 Stunden) vor dem ursprünglichen Check-in-Datum erfolgen. Nach diesem Zeitpunkt können die Gebühren nicht erstattet werden.
3.7. Nach dem Check-in können reservierte Boote oder Liegeplätze nicht mehr storniert oder geändert werden. Stornierungsgebühren werden Ihrer Kreditkarte für die Boot- oder Liegeplatzreservierung belastet.

3.B NON-REFUNDABLE RATE - Stornierung, Änderung und No-Show
3.1.B Eine "NON-REFUNDABLE" gebuchte Reservierung kann nicht storniert oder geändert werden.
3.2.B Es gibt keine Rückerstattung für eine stornierte "NON-REFUNDABLE" Reservierung.
3.3.B VVP Verhuur behält sich das Recht vor, Ihre Kreditkarte für eine "NON-REFUNDABLE" gebuchte Reservierung zu belasten.

3.4. Wenn Sie am geplanten Ankunftstag nicht ankommen (bis 00:00 Uhr), wird dies als "No-Show" betrachtet. Ihre Reservierung wird storniert, und gemäß unserer Stornierungsrichtlinie berechnen wir 100 % des ersten Nachtpreises (zzgl. Touristensteuer).
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Visserslust/ VVP Verhuur - Terms and Conditions
1. Making a Reservation and Identification Required Upon Arrival
1.1 Follow the instructions on the website or mobile site as indicated to make a reservation.1.2 If you reserve four (4) or more rooms for the same night, we consider this a 'Group Reservation.' Special terms and conditions apply for bookings of more than 4 rooms.
1.3 Your reservation is non-transferable. You may not transfer, resell, or otherwise offer your reservation (in whole or in part). If you do transfer or resell your reservation (or attempt to do so), we reserve the right to cancel your reservation and retain the payment from the credit card. Transferred or resold reservations may not be honored, and we accept no liability for this. We may refuse future reservations from you.
1.4 You are responsible for ensuring that each person staying in the accommodation is listed in your reservation.
1.5 Even if you make a reservation for someone else and do not stay yourself, you must comply with these terms.1.6 You must be 18 years or older to make a reservation with us and stay alone. If a guest arrives and is under 18, they may not stay alone. We may ask for photo identification (driver's license or passport) as proof of age. If the guest cannot provide this, we may cancel the reservation without refund.

2. PaymentRoom Rates
2.1 The rate for each room is as published on our website, mobile site, or app (if applicable) at the time of your booking through that channel and as indicated at the time of reservation.
2.2 We reserve the right to cancel a reservation if we are unable to receive payment or pre-authorization from the provided credit card on the agreed date.

2.3 Once the reservation is received, we take a pre-authorization (as a guarantee) of the 1st night rate of the associated rooms in the reservation.
2.4 Room rates are per room per night, including VAT, excluding meals, tourist tax of €3.10, and other extras.
Rates for apartments and houseboats include options for different stay durations: midweek, weekend, and week. These rates include VAT, excluding tourist tax of €3.10, meals, and extras.
2.5 All payments must be fully settled upon check-in. Upon full payment, the pre-authorization amount will be refunded to the credit card within approximately 5 business days.
2.6 The cancellation of a pre-authorization is possible within 2 weeks of the authorization date. After this period, the pre-authorization will automatically expire within 30 business days.

3.A STANDARD RATE - Cancellation, modification, and no-show

3.1.A After checking in at VVP Verhuur, you can no longer modify or cancel your reservation. Cancellation charges will be applied to your credit card for the reservation.
3.2.A Cancellation or modification of the reservation must be completed no later than 2 days before the original check-in date. After this time, the reservation can no longer be cancelled.
(a) A flexible fee applies if you modify or cancel your reservation after confirmation as a penalty.
(b) Cancellations or modifications must be completed no later than 2 days before the original check-in date. After this time, the reservation can no longer be modified.
(c) After check-in, the reservation cannot be cancelled. If you wish to check out earlier than planned, you must notify VVP Verhuur 48 hours prior to your last stay date. In this case, we will refund the remaining amount to your bank account.

Cancellation - private parking space
3.3. After check-in, you can no longer modify or cancel your parking reservation. Cancellation charges will be applied to your credit card for the parking space.
3.4. Cancellation or modification of the reserved parking space must be completed no later than 1 day (24 hours) before the original check-in date.
3.5. After check-in, you can no longer modify your parking reservation. If you wish to check out earlier, please inform us by 12:00 pm on the day before the new check-out date. Any cancellation charges for parking days will be refunded if applicable.

Cancellation - boat and mooring reservation
3.6. Cancellation or modification of a reserved boat or mooring must be completed no later than 1 day (24 hours) before the original check-in date. After this time, the charges cannot be refunded.
3.7. After check-in, reserved boats or mooring cannot be cancelled or modified. Cancellation charges will be applied to your credit card for the boat or mooring reservation.

3.B NON-REFUNDABLE RATE - Cancellation, modification, and no-show
3.1.B A ‘’NON-REFUNDABLE’’ booked reservation cannot be cancelled or modified.
3.2.B There is no refund for a cancelled ‘’NON-REFUNDABLE’’ reservation.
3.3.B VVP Verhuur reserves the right to charge your credit card for a ‘’NON-REFUNDABLE’’ booked reservation.

3.4. If you do not arrive on the scheduled arrival date (by 00:00), this will be considered a 'no-show'. Your reservation will be cancelled, and according to our cancellation policy, we will charge 100% of the first night's rate (excluding tourist tax).

4. Your Stay - Requirements for You and the Other Persons in Your Reservation
4.1 You may not exceed the maximum occupancy for the reserved room. The maximum occupancy is as follows:Studio Garden Side

  • (1 or 2 beds): 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
Studio Waterside
  • (2 beds or 2 beds and 1 sofa bed): 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child, 3 adults, or 2 adults and 1 child. 4th person upon request.
Studio Panorama
  • (2 beds or 2 beds and 1 sofa bed): 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child, 3 adults, or 2 adults and 1 child. 4th person upon request.
2-Room Apartment
  • Bedroom: (3 beds): 3 adults or 2 adults and 1 child
  • Living Room: (1 or 2 beds): 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
Room Waterside 1
  • 2 persons, 1 king-size bed: 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
Room Waterside 2
  • 2 persons, 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
Houseboat 'T Stekkie
  • Room 1: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 2: (1 bed) 1 adult or 1 child
  • Room 3: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Living Room: (1-person sofa bed) 1 adult or 1 child
Houseboat Elck Sin Syn
  • Room 1: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 2: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Cabin: Available only in high season: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
Visserslust Apartment 7
  • Room 1: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 2: (1 bed) 1 adult or 1 child
  • Room 3: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 4: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
Visserslust Apartment 9
  • Room 1: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 2: (1 bed) 1 adult or 1 child
  • Room 3: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 4: (1 bed) 1 adult or 1 child
  • Room 5: (2 beds) 2 adults, 1 adult, or 1 adult and 1 child
  • Room 6: (1 bed) 1 adult or 1 child
Visserslust Studio
  • (4 beds) 4 adults, 3 adults and 1 child, 2 adults and 2 children, or 1 adult and 3 children.
4.2 Visitors must be registered and park outside our parking area. Fee per half-day: €2.50 per person; per day: €5 per person.
4.3 Persons under 18 are not allowed to stay without supervision.
4.4 We try to accommodate special requests, but room reservations are subject to availability.
4.5 Dangerous or otherwise inappropriate items are not allowed in our accommodation.
4.6 The accommodation may not be used for illegal purposes. In the case of violations, we may involve law enforcement.
4.7 You must not damage our property. Any damage must be reported immediately.
4.8 If you wish to feed birds, consider the timing and ensure that nothing is left outside after dusk to prevent pests.
4.9 Do not leave money or other valuables in the accommodation; the property owner is not liable for any mistakes/theft.
4.10 Do not dispose of food/grease/oil down the sink or toilet! After cooling, dispose of oil/fats and food scraps in the trash bag.
4.11 Various gray containers are available for household waste in the parking lot. You can deposit tightly tied garbage bags in these containers. Yellow containers are for glass. Special green bags are provided for plastic/cans in the accommodation. Paper and plastic can be placed in the designated cabinet next to apartment six.
4.12 Do not cause noise or other disturbances to your fellow guests and our neighbors! Quiet hours are from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
4.13 Do not leave money or other valuables in the accommodation; the property owner is not liable for any mistakes/theft.
4.14 The consumption of water, gas, and electricity is included in the rental. We trust that you will use energy responsibly. Turn off lights and set the thermostat to 18° on houseboats. In apartments, set the radiator to ‘*’ or 1/2.

5. Check-In and Check-Out Times
5.1 VVP Verhuur applies an arrival time after 3:00 p.m. on the first day and check-out before 10:00 a.m. on the last day.
5.2 You must check out before the specified time in your confirmation unless you purchase late check-out directly at the accommodation. The cost for late check-out is €20 and allows a stay until 1:00 p.m. If you do not check out before 10:00 a.m., an extra night may be charged.
5.3 You are required to remove bed linens, dispose of trash separately, and ensure that dishes are clean and dry in the cupboard.
5.4 Check everything before departure to ensure nothing is left behind.
5.5 Upon returning the key, the owner is free to conduct an inspection of the accommodation rented by you. If you have not complied with point 5.3, the owner may charge an additional €10 cleaning fee.
5.6 Between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., the apartment is checked/and towels are replaced. There is no checking/towel replacement on Sundays and holidays in the accommodation. If you have not seen anyone and need something, please report it at the reception. We are there until 7:30 p.m. On Sundays and holidays, the reception is open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you need additional bed linen, it costs €12.50 per set.

6. Data Protection
VVP Verhuur will store all personal information you provide through the website in accordance with the privacy policy outlined on the website.

7. Damage and Behavior

You are required to take all reasonable measures to avoid damage to our belongings, and items must not be disturbed through your actions. Guests are requested to explore the accommodation within 30 minutes of check-in and promptly report any damage to our property or belongings.
Should damage occur to our property during your stay, you are also required to notify us immediately. Malicious, intentional, or negligent damage or disruptions to or within our property will be considered a breach of these terms and conditions, at which point we reserve the right to terminate your reservation. We may contact you following your stay or during your stay to cover costs for any repairs, replacements, or specialized cleaning required due to damage caused by you. We may engage a third party to collect these costs on our behalf. At your request, we will send an itemized breakdown of these costs to the address you used for the reservation.We reserve the right to charge guests for the replacement of items taken without permission. The charge will include the full replacement value of the item, including transportation costs. Should the loss of an item be discovered only after the guest’s departure, we reserve the right to charge the cost to the guest’s credit card or send an invoice to the registered address.We reserve the right to take action against guests who tamper with or alter fire detection equipment, such as smoke detectors in public spaces and rooms, fire alarm points, and fire extinguishers. Guests who have tampered with fire safety equipment may be charged for any costs incurred by our business and may be asked to leave the premises. Depending on the severity of the violation, the police may be involved. If tampering with fire extinguishing equipment or fire detection devices is discovered only after the guest’s departure, we reserve the right to charge the cost to the credit card or issue an invoice to the registered address.It is our company policy that all guests have the right to be treated with respect. As hosts, we carry the responsibility of protecting our guests from inappropriate behavior. If the behavior of a guest is considered inappropriate by a staff member or reported by another guest, our company reserves the right to take action following an investigation of the allegation. Depending on the severity of the behavior, the police may be involved, or the guest may be asked to leave the premises.We and/or VVP Verhuur reserve the right to pre-authorize your credit card or store authorization data, and you authorize us and/or VVP Verhuur to charge amounts for which you are responsible due to damage to your room and/or property in common areas during your stay. These amounts may be debited without prior notice. If the pre-authorization fails, VVP Verhuur reserves the right to cancel your reservation without notification.

8. Pets

Pets are not allowed at VVP Verhuur.

9. Strictly Prohibited

Paid Services
9.1 It is strictly forbidden to use VVP Verhuur for prostitution/escort services, including services offered via internet (advertisements) related to paid (sexual) services. If it is found that prostitution/escort service or similar service is taking place, we reserve the right to involve the police and immediately remove those involved from the property (with police assistance).
9.2 Smoking is not allowed in the rooms at VVP Verhuur, except in designated smoking areas on the premises. Smoking in rooms or common areas is prohibited, and guests should avoid activating our fire detection system. Violating these rules is considered a breach of the terms and conditions, which may result in the termination of your reservation and, if necessary, reporting to the authorities. Following your stay, we will contact you to cover any costs caused by smoking in the accommodation, including specialized cleaning, repair, or replacement of damaged property, and the cost for the time during which the room is unavailable. We may engage a third party to collect these costs on our behalf. At your request, we will send an itemized breakdown of these costs to the address used for the reservation.
Nitrous Oxide
9.3 The transportation, storage, and use of nitrous oxide or nitrous oxide cartridges are prohibited at VVP Verhuur. Violation of this prohibition may result in denial of access to the premises. Staff may inspect bags to ensure compliance with this prohibition. If cooperation is refused, access to VVP Verhuur may also be denied.
Fish Cleaning
9.4 It is prohibited to clean fish in the accommodation or on our premises. We adhere to a catch-and-release policy.

10. General
10.1 We process your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy. Please read our privacy policy carefully, as it contains important terms that apply to you. By providing personal data in connection with a reservation, you consent to this processing on behalf of yourself and each other customer staying under this reservation.
10.2 Amendment of these terms: we reserve the right to modify these terms from time to time. The terms applicable to your reservation are those in effect on the booking date.
10.3 Events outside our control: we do not violate these terms, nor are we liable for failure to fulfill our obligations in the event of an unexpected event beyond our reasonable control. In such cases, we may cancel your reservation, and you will receive a refund for any payments made.
10.4 We are not liable for any loss that does not directly result from a breach of these terms by us.
10.5 We take appropriate security measures to protect your property. In cases of theft or loss, an internal investigation will be conducted; if no fault is found on our part, we accept no liability.
10.6 We are not liable for loss or damage to vehicles or property within vehicles you bring.
10.7 Nothing in these terms limits our liability in cases of fraud, death, or personal injury caused by our negligence.
10.8 Sever ability: if any provision is wholly or partially invalid, the remainder of the terms shall remain in effect.
10.9 Waiver: the failure to exercise rights under these terms shall not be considered a waiver of those rights.
10.10 Third-Party Rights: this agreement is between you and us and does not grant rights to third parties.

11. Disclaimer
11.1 While we strive to provide accurate information on the VVP Verhuur website and mobile site, we make no guarantees regarding accuracy and, to the extent permitted by law, disclaim all implied warranties.
11.2 VVP Verhuur is not liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of our website and mobile site.
11.3 Links to other sites on our website do not constitute an endorsement of the linked sites or an association with their activities.
11.4 Complaints and questions about reservations can be emailed to [info@vvperhuur.com].

12. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

VVP Verhuur reserves the right to modify agreements and website content and to change the Terms and Conditions without notice. Please check our website regularly for updates to these Terms and Conditions.

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Die oben erwähnten Preise enthalten nicht zwangsläufig Steuern
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Wir sind stolz darauf, unseren Kunden den niedrigsten verfügbaren Preis direkt auf unserer Website anzubieten. Diese Funktion ist unsere Bestätigung für diese Garantie. Wenn Sie direkt buchen, können wir Ihnen, unserem Gast, den bestmöglichen Service bieten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen und freuen uns auf Ihren Aufenthalt.
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Dies ist der niedrigste verfügbare Preis bei , der Ihren Suchkriterien entspricht.
Dieser Preischeck wurde durchgeführt, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere direkten Preise nicht anderswo unterboten werden. Unterstützen Sie unser Hotel und buchen Sie noch heute direkt.